We are survivors. We are not victims.

“We are survivors.  We are not victims.” ~ by guest blogger Carey Nason Carey Nason is a past Not Here conference speaker, and the Program Director for Hope Rising, a branch of Saint Andre Home. Hope Rising is an anti-trafficking … Continued

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Treating the Whole – Restorative Aftercare

We have a shortage of safe, therapeutic places for human trafficking victims to go for healing in our region. For those of you who don’t know, we have VERY few beds, 17 actually, in New England for victims of human trafficking … Continued

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The Reality of 17 Beds

Saturday, September 24th, a special community gathering will happen to raise awareness and funding for two safe houses that serve victims of human trafficking here in New England. You can learn more about this event by visiting MusicHeals2016.com. We do … Continued

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